Marcel Lapierre and The Simple Pleasures

Marcel Lapierre made the kind of wines that renew faith in the idea that the simple pleasures are the ones that are the the most important. The wines have a clarity and beauty that are appreciated not as the once in a lifetime holy Grail experiences that are generally letdowns, but rather as the day to day happinesses that we will treasure long after the complicated affairs have slipped from memory.
Marcel’s wines were weekend barbecues with my brother and his two sons, Marcel’s wines were langorous Sunday morning sex before the concerns of the day took over. They put a smile on my face more times than I can remember. Not many things can do that in the space of your life.
There’s been a lot of petty arguments on the Internet lately and perhaps I’ve forgotten a little of why I love wine in the first place. Marcel reminds me, through his wines, that at the end of the day I should be a bit embarrassed to be so fucking serious about thinking about wine when his Morgon is right there, simply waiting to be drank. And that is what Marcel made, and that is why he is so beloved. Wines to drink like they should be, wines that keep glasses refilled, bottle after bottle.

These are the wines of the simple pleasures in life. Thanks for them Marcel, and rest in peace.

~ by Cory Cartwright on October 11, 2010.

8 Responses to “Marcel Lapierre and The Simple Pleasures”

  1. Thanks for this, Cory!

  2. Amen, Brother Cory, Amen…

    RIP Marcel

  3. Concise and well said.

  4. That is the best tasting note ever, and I am not saying that as a joke. A fitting, beautiful, and heartfelt tribute to the man through his wines.

  5. A very fitting tribute and wonderful reminder of what is truly important about wine. He will be greatly missed.

  6. thank cory & merci marcel, salut!

  7. […] Blog Saignée:  « Marcel’s wines were weekend barbecues with my brother and his two sons, Marcel’s wines were langorous Sunday morning sex before the concerns of the day took over. They put a smile on my face more times than I can remember. Not many things can do that in the space of your life ». […]

  8. I was fortunate to meet Marcel a couple of years ago. I’m so saddened by his passing, I can’t stop reading things like this. But your words are spot on, and perfectly capture the beauty of the wine he made. Thanks.

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